Now is it’s 18th year, The Future Awards Africa has produced over 270 winners and 1,622 nominees across Africa.
Our mission at The Future Africa Awards (TFAA) is to inspire leadership and build enterprise.
TFAA has created and connected a new elite set of change markers and nation builders across sectors from causes to businesses, creativity and innovation.
Impact Report

I want to say weldon to the organisers of this prestigious award to support young minds and great person’s doing great things in their little confines and with little or no financial support. God bless you all. Hopefully, I will some day be recognized too with the community project myself and my team mate do which we call KUBWA GOT TALENT. A platform to identify potentials and talents within our local community and help to project it out to their benefit and that of the community and the society at large thereby reducing crime,substance abuse,idleness and depression amongst this young minds.
You can check us on YouTube, just type kubwa got talent ATI and see episodes of the 2019 winners and the act that was displayed.